The dreaded windscreen crack
A tiny crack or chip might seem no more than a blemish in your car’s windscreen, but can prove an ominous harbinger of things to come in the minds of car owners: more windscreen cracks, lengthy car servicing, expensive replacements, or worse.
But before you jump on your keyboard and begin despairing at the searches for “windscreen replacement cost”, it would be good to first learn of some of the realities of when, how, and why to consider repairing or replacing your windscreen.

Keeping your eyes on the road – and on your auto glass
Sometimes it might be hard to notice the few chips or windscreen cracks that have already built-up in your auto glass over time.
Many small chips might have occurred in the outer-edges of your windscreen where you can’t see them as clearly, or else are small and faint enough even to miss when driving regularly.
But it’s important to always remember to inspect your windscreen closely for cracks or damages at all times, since even the smallest of chips – especially in the edges of the windscreen – can mean that the glass is already becoming significantly weakened and susceptible to far greater damage in the future.